Friday, September 14, 2007

Kenneth Fosters August 30th Letter

For those of you who don't know who Kenneth Foster is: basically, he was arrested and convicted of murder in Texas over 10 years ago. The problem with this, is that he didn't actually pull the trigger. The man who did, and confessed and claimed it was self-defense, but he was found guilty and killed by the state of Texas a few years ago. Kenneth didn't pull the trigger, nor was he even in the same room when the murder took place. He was merely found guilty of capital murder because he drove the vehicle the brought the murder to the scene of the crime.

He was sentenced to die by lethal injection on August 30, 2007. This is a letter he wrote about his experiences from the day before.

While I don't really know how I feel about the death penalty, this is some really interesting stuff, and makes you think about it.

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