Tuesday, September 05, 2006

looking back at my previous postings, i sort of noticed that most of my blogs begin with so... looking through my journal i seem a similar pattern, so i decided to stop it , at least for this blog, then we'll see how i do later.

today i was at the bank depositing my cheque... and i noticed that the envelopes still taste like crap. I mean come on, we have modern technology. We can put a man on the moon, but we can't make envelopes taste good? couldn't 3M and Wonka hook up and make a Sprees flavored envelope? or maybe even Hostess and Mead and make a Twinky flavored one. We could even get creative and make one that tastes like dog ass so my dog would lick my envelopes closed for me... but God help me if i'm ever without a dog and have to lick it closed myself.

So come on paper companies, get with the picture, err flavor as it were.

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