Friday, August 25, 2006

So, about 4 years ago, my friend Nick and I were sitting around. Nick was getting ready for his mission and we were playing video games. Probably something having to do with stealing a car/motorcycle, and killing as many innocent pedestrians as possible before the fuel in your flame thrower runs out. That or just a dumb football game. While we were sitting there, were started talking about his mission, and how difficult it would be to go without video games for 2 years. 2 years is a long time. I thought about offering to give them up as well, as sort of a brotherhood thing... instead i offered my hair. At the time i shaved my head. usually with a razor. i liked it bald, but i didn't really have the head for it. anyways. i vowed to let my hair grow until he came back. i don't really think anyone thought that i was really serious, but i did it.

2 years went by and 18 inches of gorgeous locks later, he was home. We had this big party where different people cut it. My dad cut a lock, Bryce, Nick, my girlfriend Deena, and my sister finished off the rest. She sent it in to locks-of-love, and hopefully, some young girl never has to know that her beautiful curls (they were quite beautiful) really did come from a guy.

Anyways, to my point.... yesterday I met my friend Mary's mom. I thought it was for the first time, but apparently she met me before. when I was sporting gorgeous curls down to the middle of my back. back then i didn't really care what people thought of them. i thought they were beautiful and i was doing it for a friend. what great love? So she didnt' recognize me. she came up to me and asked me what happened to my long hair. I don't really even think about it. Its been gone for over a year and a half, and its still funny to me. it happens about twice a month. Random people who i haven't seen in a while, come up and ask me about my hair. they usually comment on how good i look now with shorter hair.

which begs the question.... was i the only one who loved my gorgeous locks? that and the unfortunate recipient of my locks of love?

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