Thursday, August 30, 2007

PostSecret This Week

This was in PostSecret this week. Its pretty funny. I didn't know people were so militant to get thanked for doing something. I never knew that thank you notes were so important. Why can't people just do something nice without requiring a formal thank you. BTW, if for any reason anyone didn't get a thank you from us for a wedding gift they gave to us... there were a couple items that didn't have cards, so if you were one of them, sorry you didn't get a thank you. Thanks!


Mary Postert said...

Honey, I'm glad you publicly thanked the people we never got to thank.

Jaime S. said...

tanner, i don't need a "thank you" card but I know lots of people that do. A friend of mine told me that she like a "thank you" card just so she knows that the recipients got the gift. So it may be for piece of mind. She is also in her 70's, so it might be that generation. Personally I love that generation. This is generalizing, but their humor and wit is unmatched in my book.