Thursday, November 09, 2006

My digital rant

So its been almost 2 months since my last post and i figured i might as well throw up something before i'm gone for my honeymoon. I can't believe I'm actually getting married, and even more who i'm getting married to. But I've rambled about that for long enough.

So since i work for a video site, the decided that we should be coming up with our own content. So work bought us these little hand held video cameras from best buy. they are great. they take great quality digital pictures too.

So for work we are required to record and post at least 30 seconds of video per week. I don't think this will pose a problem. I can't wait to just record Jake telling some of his best stories... "companion.. i crap my pants" come on, how can that not be funny?

So my first go was on the way home. the video looks horrible and grainy, but thats because i was trying out the nightvision and it's not very good. Anyways, here's my rant.

Its totally true, and rediculous. Every time i hear one of those commercials i am completely turned off to the product. on of them is an add for those rosetta stone foreign language tapes, which sounds interesting. I've always wanted to learn a foreign language. Lets face it, understanding or speaking spanish would help a ton living in Arizona. Anyways, because of the annoying repeat, i refuse to buy their product. maybe they are willing to lose the business of fastidious freaks like me, in trade for the morons who can now remember that phone number because it is engrained into their brains.

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