Thursday, November 09, 2006

Security Clearance

I have security clearance!

So this week we toured the Global Crossing Facility on 16th Street and Grant. We currently use another provider for colocation, and we aren't really that please with them, so we decided to check out other vendors.

For those of you who aren't in the computer business, its not really cost effective to pay the huge up front cost to get a large amount of bandwidth to your facility to host your website, rather, you pay a company and the least you a cage or a rack, or some space to hook your machines up to in their facility and you just pay for the part of their gigantic pipe they have running into their facility.

Anyways, we leared though, that because my boss is Canadian, he didn't have the level of clearance needed to tour the entire facility. Which I thought was pretty funny. Because all in all, I think I have more negative feelings for our current government that he does. Not that either of us are planning any kind of blood coo or anything like that, its just funny to me to know that the fact that my mother gave birth to me on America soil, that I am less of a security threat than anyone who's mother didn't.

So what did all that clearance get me? Nothing. There is only a small section of their facility we couldn't go to. Well, technically, I could go to, my boss couldn't, so I didn't either. I think there were some kind of Visa or Mastercard machines or something like that, which apparently are now protected by National Security. Its nice to know our equipment will be secure should we decide to go with them as our provider.

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