Tuesday, June 24, 2008

McDonalds Prank

So I got an email today, one of those random forwards, but it was from my brother, so I read it. It was about the death of common scene in America. Pretty funny, but I won't repost here. One of the items on the list said something about the McDonalds coffee lawsuit, and it took me back to Joey's Torts (product liability) class that Mary and I got to sit in on. So I decided I wanted to read more about it. After all, I was only 12 or 13 when it actually happened.

I found this website. Some pretty interesting information, I recommend reading it. There are a lot of misconceptions about that lawsuit.

But it actually got me looking around on wikipedia about other McDonalds lawsuits, just for fun and I found this: Strip Search Prank Scam. This has to be one of the funniest crimes/pranks I've ever heard of. I can't believe people would actually do this. Its an interesting Milgram experiment.


Duston said...

That is exactly why I drink a cold DP in the morning, instead of a scalding hot cup o joe. No risk of potential burning....

Jodiane said...

thanks tanner, that was actuallly pretty dang interesting. I miss you guys alot. i hope to see you when i am in town in mid august. maybe a thursday night reunion. take care.