Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Google is so gay

Monday, August 25, 2008

Motivational Mondays

Friday, August 22, 2008


So, this comic hit home a little bit.

Pringles can.... remember that?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Ok, I'm usually not a grammar nazi. I'll sometimes tell people that irreguardless isn't a word, or call them on the spelling your and you're. But I can no longer keep quiet about people's misuse of the word "Literally". Yesterday I was watching an episode of "Ripley's Believe It or Not" and during a story about a woman with tons of tumors all over her skin, the narrator explained that "she literally had ticking time bombs growing under her skin". My favorite is one that one of my favorite shows, "The Soup" caught. It was on Access Hollywood, and a Doctor on the show mentioned about Britney Spear: "She is literally on a rollercoaster to hell". Wow, 7 years of school, and he still can't grasp the literally concept. Other literally quotes:
"That acting is literally killing me"
"This tv show is literally mopping the floor with the other shows in its time slot"
"That bag is literally there largest thing in the universe"
My other issue is people using the term literally when its not really necessary. "Wow, that gymnast literally just did a double somersault.". As if we might have assumed that she figuratively did a double somersault. Or maybe metaphorically? I don't know if there are any rules about the unnecessary use of the word literally, but its annoying the hell out of me.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Olympic Fever (muted)

While I am a fan of the Olympics, I've never really watched them as much as I am watching these. I've started to notice one thing... the announcers are annoying as hell. Take for instance, the female diving commentator telling the story about the America female synchronized diving team. She mentioned how one girl's family moved from California to the Midwest so that the two girls could train together because, "Its important to train in the same place for synchronized diving." Seriously?!? Or things like "this has never been seen before" when someone sets a world record. [edit] Joey's comment reminded me of another huge probel... The woman who interviews the swimmers after they win/lose a race. "What were you thinking on that final lap?". I bet he's thinking about whether or not they left the iron on in their room at the Olympic village. She asks the worst questions. Its already pretty hard to interview someone who is out of breath, but she makes it a much more excruciating process.

I've also noticed that the announcers for swimming, diving, gymnastics and track & field are obsessed with pointing out when their predictions are correct. Every time a race would finish, or the gymnasts would finish an event. The announcer had to point out, "Just as I predicted." So we've been watching most of it in fast forward to save time, but to also mute the announcers.

While I'm talking about the Olympics, why are they getting rid of Baseball and Softball, but keeping Equestrian? While it's impressive that they can make a horse jump over a wall, what is athletic about ride a horse? It seems like the horse should be getting the metal. Whats next? Auto racing?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Michael Phelps

Monday, August 11, 2008

Periodic Table of Awesomeness

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Favorite PostSecret this week

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Darwinism. Thats one gene pool that needs to be removed from the system.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Safe neighborhood?

So, yesterday Mary and I are sitting at home and I hear these tires screech out front, so I get up to look out the window to see what was going on. One guy got out of the car and started yelling something at the house. I couldn't really understand him. Maybe he was drunk. My neighbor comes out and the two of them start arguing. I can tell that my neighbor is trying to calm the guy down, but this guy is having none of that. They push each other a little bit, but my neightbor is a pretty big dude, and you can tell the guy from the car is going to get his butt kicked if he keeps this up. Thats when he pulls out a gun. I can hear the two of them arguing and my neighbor is trying to get him to calm down. I went for my phone to call the cops but I could already hear the sirens, but then I guess so did this guy. Before I knew it, the guy pulled the trigger and shot my neighbor in the stomach. I've never seen anything like it. I noticed that by this time I almost had the blinds about a foot apart so I could see out, and the guy turned around and I think he saw me looking. Just as he was looking at me, the cops shows up and arrested him. My phone rang, and it was my mom asking about scout camp. I told her what happened and she started freaking out. I tell her to calm down but my mom got scared and she said "You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-air". Well, I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cat was rare,but I thought Nah forget it, "Yo home to Bel Air." I pulled up to the house about seven or eight,and I yelled to the cabby "Yo homes, smell ya later."... Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there, to sit in my throne as the Prince of Bel Air. You've all been Fresh Prince'd.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Basic Motor Skills

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Whole Wide World

I caught part of Stranger Than Fiction this morning before I came to work and it was this part, and it reminded me how much I really like this song, and this movie.

Monday, June 30, 2008


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

McDonalds Prank

So I got an email today, one of those random forwards, but it was from my brother, so I read it. It was about the death of common scene in America. Pretty funny, but I won't repost here. One of the items on the list said something about the McDonalds coffee lawsuit, and it took me back to Joey's Torts (product liability) class that Mary and I got to sit in on. So I decided I wanted to read more about it. After all, I was only 12 or 13 when it actually happened.

I found this website. Some pretty interesting information, I recommend reading it. There are a lot of misconceptions about that lawsuit.

But it actually got me looking around on wikipedia about other McDonalds lawsuits, just for fun and I found this: Strip Search Prank Scam. This has to be one of the funniest crimes/pranks I've ever heard of. I can't believe people would actually do this. Its an interesting Milgram experiment.

Tribute to George Carlin

Well, since I was gone yesterday, I missed out on the news that comedian George Carlin passed away yesterday. Here's a tribute to him:
Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.

Motivational Mondays

Friday, June 20, 2008

Switch Hitter vs switch pitcher?

Monday, June 16, 2008

Come On!


Monday, June 09, 2008


Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Local Politics

So, some of you may know Senator Karen Johnson. I actually grew up in the same neighborhood as her and she is also Mormon like me. While I really like her as a person, I really dislike her as a politician. This all started when I began noticing the frequency of her testimonies in fast and testimony meeting at church. There are 12 fast Sunday's a year, and Senator Johnson (then Representative Johnson) always seemed to get up and bear her testimony the fast Sunday before elections. Her "testimony" always seemed to include something about how thankful she was to be a public servant, and how grateful she was to talk with the ward members about local politics and about her reelection. It was nothing more than a advertisement/testimony, I'll call it an advertizimony.

Around the age of 17, this made me so mad that I asked the bishop for a copy of the "Statement of Political neutrality" that the bishopric reads near the beginning of the election season, and left it on her front door step. I don't think she got the point. The advertizimonies continued.

Since, she has moved from my parent's neighborhood and so have I, but my ears always perk up when I hear something about her in the news. A few months ago she was on the news talking about how she is against the National ID plan which our Governor has backed. It was nice to be on the same side, politically, as her.

But today, I read that Karen has sent a letter to Senator McCain, asking him to meet with people to discuss the validity that the World Trade Center buildings were brought down by explosives placed at the scene before 9/11. Currently there is a Scottsdale physicist camped outside Senator McCain's office in Phoenix on a hunger strike (going on 9 days now!) until the senator meets with him. Its pretty strange

So now I'm sort of torn, the conspiracy theorist in me is excited that this is being brought into the main stream, but the rational side of me is excited that people will begin to see how crazy Senator Johnson is. I've watch the documentaries that claim the WTC was blown up by the Bush administration in order to gain favor for the Iraq war which is making them millions because of their investments in the oil companies. I've also watched the counter documentaries that explain why the conspiracy theory is false. I've read the excerpts of the 9/11 commission report. At this point, even being a conspiracy theorist, I've gotta say that a hunger strike is a little extravagant. It seems like the adult equivalent to a temper tantrum. But at least it may create discussion on the subject. Either way, it will probably end up wasting a bunch of tax payer money on a new "commission" to "investigate" 9/11 and not find anything.

Below is a copy of the letter she sent to Senator McCain:

Dear Senator McCain:

You are no doubt aware that a “Hunger-for-Truth” hunger strike is taking place outside your Phoenix office. Each day since Memorial Day (May 26), Blair has arrived at about 6 a.m. and spent the day until approximately 10:30 p.m., distributing literature about 9/11 to passing pedestrians and motorists. Blair is not eating any food at all and drinks only water. Today is Day 9 of the hunger strike.

Blair and his thousands of supporters around the country are requesting that you give two hours of your time to some experts who would like to present evidence about the destruction of the Twin Towers and Building 7 on Sept. 11, 2001. We all appreciate how full your schedule is, but the many important unanswered questions about 9/11 demand answers. I am respectfully requesting that you meet with Blair and the experts he has arranged. I understand that you hae promised to address the 9/11 issue in the near future. For this I am grateful.

You might have heard some absurd claims about 9/11, but we are not responsible for what all 9/11 skeptics say. We are responsible only for what WE say, and what we say is rock solid. Well qualified professionals in the fields of physics, engineering, and architecture reject the idea that the World Trade Center buildings came down as a result of the impact of the planes and fire. Building 7 wasn’t even hit by an airplane and the fires in that building were small and contained. Yet all three skyscrapers came down very evenly and very fast. These experts have analyzed the evidence with sound scientific procedures and have concluded that the buildings came down through the use of explosives as are used in controlled demolitions. I have spoken with these experts myself, and I agree with their findings.

The American people expect and deserve complete answers to what was really involved in the most lethal attack on U.S. soil Since Pearl Harbor. The families of the innocent victims of U.S. military action in Afghanistan and Iraq also deserve to know the truth. The events of 9/11 need to be investigated thoroughly and openly. That hasn’t been done yet.

Please give Blair and his experts the time they need to provide you with this very important, credible information.

Best regards,

Senator Karen S. Johnson

Monday, June 02, 2008

Favorite PostSecret

Motivational Mondays

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Motivational Mondays

I decided to try and post something here regularly. I saw this on another blog and thought I'd give it a try. These motivational posters are pretty funny. This one always makes me laugh.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Why I hate the NBA

How is this not traveling? If you watch, he even stops at the top of the key, does a little tiny jump and moves both his feet. Then decides to jump and throw the ball off the backboard, land, take 2 steps, then jump, catch the ball and dunk it. While this is an amazing feat, it is totally traveling. I can't believe the NBA is letting people get away with stuff like this. I know its a business and you want to entertain, but this is crazy. With the carrying, the "crow/pro" hops and now this, I've lost the little desire I had to actually watch the NBA. Its turning into an And-One mix tape.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

MoveDad contest

So my work has designed a social media promotion sponsored by Hallmark. The contest is called the Daddy Dance Off for Father's Day and its basically this:

  1. Go to

  2. Download "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer

  3. Record your dad, or yourself if you are a dad dancing to the song

  4. Upload the video

  5. Tell all your friends to log on and vote for you video

The person who gets the most votes wins $5,000. Anyone is eligible. It could be your 25 year old husband who is a father of 1. Or your 65 year old father who is retired and a father of 8. Everyone and anyone. Let me know if anyone submits a video, its going to be awesome.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Hey Raygon, this is just...

Hey Raygon, this is just a test to show you how Jott works. I am on my way to go camping. I'll try to remember to get pictures from Sally to post on the blog, and so that you can see how this thing works. Anyways, let me know if it worked. Bye. listen

Powered by Jott

Thursday, May 08, 2008

This is just a test...

This is just a test of the Jott system. This thing is pretty cool, I just called a number and recorded this blog post and it automatically posted it to my blog. listen

Powered by Jott

Monday, April 14, 2008

3 of My Favorite Things

  1. Jon Stewart

  2. Will Ferrell

  3. Making fun of President Bush

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Good Times

So I've been watching Newsradio on Hulu. I thought I'd let you guys check it out too. This is one of my favorite episodes:

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Game Night

So last night, since Jenny and Nathan are here and Nathan was leaving today, we decided to have a little game night at our house. Keith and Kathy and Sally came over to play games with Jenny, Nathan, Mary and I. After Keith and Kathy left, we decided to play Scattergories. There's just something about this game that brings out some pretty funny answers:

Category: ice cream flavor. Letter: F.
Mary's Answer: Fruiti Tutti. She thought she was so clever, too bad its the other way around.

Category: halloween costumes. Letter: S.
You'd thing Skeleton, Skarecrow, Snake, Satan, about a 1/2 dozen other answers, but at the last second, Nathan decides to write down: slut. Apparently, at the last minute, Nathan's mind gets dirty.

Category: Musicians. Letter: G.
Sally didn't actually write this, but in the discussion after the round we were talking about this one and she asked, "What about those guys, Garfile and Funkfiler?". We didn't really realize who she meant, until I realized she was talking about Simon and Garfunkel. We all had a pretty good laugh.

Category: Terms of Affection. Letter: A.
I was particularly proud of my answer Angel for this one, but I was sure Nathan was going to answer the same since we had already answered the same on so many others. But when it got around to Nathan, he explained that this was also a last minute answer, and the best answer of the night. Ass Hole.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Ain't It the Truth (just ask Mary)

Friday, February 08, 2008

Bippity Boppity Bacon

This one's for Duston

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Skittles Commercial

I don't know what it is about commercials these days, but this one has me rolling. I love the dude's face. His story is so sad, but his affliction is so hilarious.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Newly Discovered Gold

So, I just found this awesome show: Clark & Michael. It stars Michael Cera (from Arrested Development and Superbad). Its about him and his friend writing a script and trying to sell it in Hollywood. They decide to tape their antics so that "when the show gets picked up" they can sell the extra footage for the DVD sales or something. Anyways. Theres 10 episodes, each about 10 minutes long. Its super funny. The intro will have you spitting milk out your nose. Those outfits are hilarious. Theres tons of cameos. Andy Richter (from one of the other funniest shows, "The Andy Richter Show"), David Cross (he played Tobias in Arrested Development), Tony Hale (the guy that played Buster on Arrested Development), and Patton Oswald (Comedian). Anyways, here's a preview for the series I found.

Monday, January 14, 2008

You Learn Something Every Day

So I've been a fan of Rilo Kiley for a couple years. Ever since Chelsea Kimball turned me onto them an so many other awesome bands. But what I recently learned, is that one of the lead singers, Jenny Lewis, was the red haired girl from awesomely bad 80's movie 'The Wizard' with Fred Savage. Pretty crazy.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Awesome Snickers Commercial

This new commercial is awesome. It makes me laugh every time.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Why Arrested Development was cancelled

Truly AD was one of the greatest shows on TV, why was it canceled? David Cross (the guy who playd Tobias Funke) explains why... WARNING: the following has some vulgar language, but is the absolute true.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

And Joey, this one's for you

Jake, this ones for you