Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Ok, I'm usually not a grammar nazi. I'll sometimes tell people that irreguardless isn't a word, or call them on the spelling your and you're. But I can no longer keep quiet about people's misuse of the word "Literally". Yesterday I was watching an episode of "Ripley's Believe It or Not" and during a story about a woman with tons of tumors all over her skin, the narrator explained that "she literally had ticking time bombs growing under her skin". My favorite is one that one of my favorite shows, "The Soup" caught. It was on Access Hollywood, and a Doctor on the show mentioned about Britney Spear: "She is literally on a rollercoaster to hell". Wow, 7 years of school, and he still can't grasp the literally concept. Other literally quotes:
"That acting is literally killing me"
"This tv show is literally mopping the floor with the other shows in its time slot"
"That bag is literally there largest thing in the universe"
My other issue is people using the term literally when its not really necessary. "Wow, that gymnast literally just did a double somersault.". As if we might have assumed that she figuratively did a double somersault. Or maybe metaphorically? I don't know if there are any rules about the unnecessary use of the word literally, but its annoying the hell out of me.


brett and carly said...

Amen. I literally don't understand why people feel like they have to use it in literally every sentence.


joey said...

Tiff has requested that I include a comment that is relevant to this post and the last one about the Olympics. Did anyone count how many times Michael Phelps said that he was "at a loss of words"? Of? Maybe the biggest oversight was that of his closest friends and colleagues who didn't have the guts to tell him that he was saying it wrong... I mean it's like not telling your buddy that he has a booger hanging when you're hanging out with the ladies. O.k., maybe not that bad... but still.