Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Stop with the emails!!!

So, today I got another one of those emails, subject line: "Warning, Bad Children's Movie Coming Out!". I sort of stole the idea for this post from Mary's cousin, but I don't remember his blog name or url, so I can't give credit completely.
Of course, this emails was about the Golden Compass. A new children's fantasy movie similar to Narnia, in which each character has an animal spirit guide... and blah, blah blah. The biggest concern people have is that the author is a huge atheist. In the movie, he kills some sort of Lion character (the symbolic Christ character in Narnia), and people are all up in arms about it. People are worried that their kids are going to get attached to this movie, and then when they get older, the values in this movie will make them give up their Christian background, and go the way of the atheist.
Let me say this, mine, nor anyone I know's religious beliefs were shaped by a children's book/movie. I didn't realize that those books had religious undertones until I was much older. My boss is an atheist, and he read the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe when he was a kid, how could he turn out atheist?
The whole thing is just dumb to me. If the argument was that the director is a huge atheist, and we shouldn't take our kids to the movie so we don't support this guy, I would still have a problem with that, but I would at least understand the argument. But the argument that this movie is going to turn your 7 year old into a non-believer, is beyond me.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yellow Ledbetter

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love Pearl Jam. They are most definitely my favorite band. One of my favorite songs of theirs is Yellow Ledbetter. The song is played live and may be no their "Lost Dogs" album, but the lyrics have never been documented, so people try to figure them ou. This guy made a video of what the lyrics could be...

My favorite part has to be "Potato Wave" or "Make me Fries!".

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Pandora Station

I haven't posed in a while, so i thought I would let people know something they can do while waiting for my next post. I've been listening to Pandora, or the Music Genome Project. Basically, it a huge system of music. You put in your favorite bands or songs, and based on what you like, they create a custom radio station based on your preferences. Here is a link to my station. I have several stations, but this is the one I listen to the most.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Caught this on Digg

I saw this on digg, so I decided to share.

The article can be summed up in one line and a picture: "One of the supervisors called a Walmart and ordered the cake. he told them to write: 'best wishes Suzanne' and underneath that write 'we will miss you'." This is the cake the received:

Sunday, September 30, 2007


So I recently received the following chain letter from one of my cousins:


I knew about the red light on cars, but not the *77. It was about 1:00 p.m. in the afternoon, and Lauren was driving to visit a friend. An UNMARKED police car pulled up behind her and put his lights on. Lauren's parents have always told her never to pull over for an unmarked car on the side of the road, but rather to wait until they get to a gas station, etc.

Lauren had actually listened to her parents advice, and promptly called *77 on her cell phone to tell the police dispatcher that she would not pull over right away. She proceeded to tell the dispatcher that there was an unmarked police car with a flashing red light on his rooftop behind her. The dispatcher checked to see if there were police cars where she was and there weren't, and he told her to keep driving, remain calm and that he had back up already on the way.

Ten minutes later 4 cop cars surrounded her and the unmarked car behind her. One policeman went to her side and the others surrounded the car behind. They pulled the guy from the car and tackled him to the ground. The man was a convicted rapist and wanted for other crimes. I never knew about the *77 Cell Phone Feature, but especially for a woman alone in a car, you should not pull over for an unmarked car.
Apparently police have to respect your right to keep going to a safe & quiet place.
You obviously need to make some signals that you acknowledge them (i.e. put on your hazard lights) or call *77 like Lauren did.

Too bad the cell phone companies don't generally give you this little bit of wonderful information.

*Speaking to a service representative at **Bell ** Mobility confirmed that *77 was a direct link to state trooper info. So, now i! t's your turn to let your friend s know about *77.

Send this to every woman (and person) you know; it may save a life. This applies to ALL 50 states.

The letter seems genuine. Trying to give out valuable information to people to use in case of emergency. It has all the elements, personal experience, technical backup and genuine concern for women everywhere.

But something struck me wrong about the letter, so I looked up the *77. This is the email I sent back to everyone in the chain that I could find.

That is definitely 3 buttons on a phone that people need to know about. Another 3 buttons that people need to remember are:


According to The North American Numbering Plan (NANP), the regulatory committee for regulating area codes, exchange codes and vertical service codes (anything that starts with an *) *77 is designed to allow customers to activate the anonymous call rejection feature of their phone. (*87 to reactivate it). You can read about other vertical service codes here. This feature is disabled on most cell phone carriers since this feature is handled at the routing substation and would involve sending thousands of updates to all cell phone routing towers for this to be accomplished. If you don't believe me, go ahead and try it. As far as the "Bell Mobilty" representative. Bell Mobility is a Canadian wireless provider, similar to AT&T Wireless/Mobile. Canada's numbering plan is also regulated by the NANP, so I doubt this works in the great white north either, but since I don't have a Canadian cell phone, I can't neither prove or disprove this, but I do know, that it doesn't work in America.

I worked for some time in the telecommunications field. I've also worked for quite a while in the internet, long enough to learn that you shouldn't trust everything you read on the internet, especially in chain letters.

But in all seriousness, the 911 feature works on ANY cell phone. Whether or not that cell phone currently has an active phone plan or not. 911 will still work, even on a deactivated cell phone. Don't get me wrong, if your cell phone doesn't have a signal/service (bars) you can't call anyone, but if it does, you can still call 911. So if you have an old cell phone that you don't really use any more, but that does work, I would recommend throwing it in the glove box of your car, or giving it to a teenage driver or anyone who doesn't have a cell phone to ensure that they can call the police in any emergency.

So turns out that this nice, genuine letter is completely fake. Go ahead, pick up your cell phone and dial *77, no police, or interstate trooper hotline.

My other problem with this letter is this. Chain letters are most often fake. There are designed to get passed across the internet by some PR agency to promote their product, created as phishing schemes to get people's personal information in order to steal their identity or designed by some well intentioned citizen but will most likely will go horribly wrong. What people don't really realize is that those chain letters are a great source of working, current email addresses that SPAMMERS can use to add to their contact list. Go ahead and look back at the last chain letter you received. I'm sure you'll see the names of the 20 people that got it when you did, and the 20 people that got it when the person that sent it to you go it. and the FW line from the person who sent it to them and on and on. On the chain letter sent to me, there were at least three dozen valid email addresses. And people wonder how they get on some of these mailing lists.

The other thing I wanted to say is to remind people that the internet is not a credible source. Just because you read something in an email, or you saw it on the internet, doesn't mean its fact. People walk by the tabloids every time they checkout at the grocery store and read about Britney Spears giving birth to alien twins while in the bathroom of some nightclub, or the dog that was born with a goat head or whatever, and they immediately know that its false, but for some reason, people believe the internet to be fact.

Don't believe everything you read!!!
/end rant.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Avast Ye Matey!!!

Today be International Talk Like A Pirate Day! So dust off yer Bottle of Rum and watch this ere movin picture to learns how to talk like a pirate ye Scervy Dog!

Trouble getting married?

I found this site online today that promises to help get you married... well, not you, but your daughters. And, when your daughter get married, you can make a couple grand!. I guess it's more designed for the parents. Its pretty unbelievable, its called . Check it out. I hope its just some sort of joke. It looks legit. Some people charge $27,999 for their daughter. Like some sort of horrible car salesman. I'd hate to hear their sales pitch. Some of the "daughters" on there are 14 years old! I can't believe that this can go on in the US.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Kenneth Fosters August 30th Letter

For those of you who don't know who Kenneth Foster is: basically, he was arrested and convicted of murder in Texas over 10 years ago. The problem with this, is that he didn't actually pull the trigger. The man who did, and confessed and claimed it was self-defense, but he was found guilty and killed by the state of Texas a few years ago. Kenneth didn't pull the trigger, nor was he even in the same room when the murder took place. He was merely found guilty of capital murder because he drove the vehicle the brought the murder to the scene of the crime.

He was sentenced to die by lethal injection on August 30, 2007. This is a letter he wrote about his experiences from the day before.

While I don't really know how I feel about the death penalty, this is some really interesting stuff, and makes you think about it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Spirt of God

  Awe inspiring. I love it.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


So I have been working on this site for Vespa. You can find it here. Basically, the site is a video contest. All you have to do is make some sort of video about Vespanomics. You can find out what that all means on the site. Anyways, I think its a super easy way to win a free Vespa. The top 3 videos get Vespas. So anyone out there with any desire to save some money on gas or just have a scooter to go goof around in should try and throw together a video. Nothing fancy, just some pictures or whatever. Theres a "Getting Started" section on the site where you can read all about what to do and stuff. Anyways, I just thought I would let everyone know about the contest and a pretty easy way to win a scooter.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Marching Band does OK Computer

This is the University Arizona Marching band from last year. I think if more bands, especially high school, played stuff like this, they would attract a lot more people to play in marching band than actually do. Maybe they wouldn't get beat-up and made fun of as much, because they are playing cool, modern music, instead of Vivaldi, or Beethoven, or something equally boring to modern youth. Probably just wishful thinking, either way, this was pretty awesome to watch.

All songs as far as I know are from OK Computer. I know I heard Paranoid Android, Airbag and Fitter, Happier. I didn't quite like Fitter, Happier, the voiced were too on-beat and forced. The real song is more just like someone talking. But I guess its hard to get a couple hundred band geeks to talk in unison while marching. The trumpet solo in the second part is pretty amazing too

Thursday, August 30, 2007

PostSecret This Week

This was in PostSecret this week. Its pretty funny. I didn't know people were so militant to get thanked for doing something. I never knew that thank you notes were so important. Why can't people just do something nice without requiring a formal thank you. BTW, if for any reason anyone didn't get a thank you from us for a wedding gift they gave to us... there were a couple items that didn't have cards, so if you were one of them, sorry you didn't get a thank you. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

While You Were Out

So, I've told Mary many stories about the strange things about my family, and I've tried to warn her, but I'm not sure that she ever takes me seriously. I try to warn her that at all extended family functions, we all tend to gather in the corner and talk amongst ourselves rather than mingle with our cousins. Or that my mom does some pretty amazing things to save a few pennies, closes the closet doors so you don't have to A/C the air in the closets, or saving old jam jars to use a glasses. No matter what it is, I'm not really sure that Mary ever takes me seriously.

Well, this weekend we went to Kentucky to visit Mary's sister, as I'm sure you know from this. Anyways, we had my dad drop us off at the airport, but before we left, my mom asked is she could go over to our house and try out or recumbant exercise bike. Since we turned up the air to like 90 while we were gone, I told her that she would need to go over and turn the air down so she doesn't roast in there. When we got back, she mentioned that she did if a couple times and that she sort of liked it. Mary and I go home and start to unpack and put things away, etc... all the sudden, Mary stops and asks me, "Why are all of our closets closed?". You see, most of the time, the closet in the study/den stays open since thats where all of our supplies are; paper, stamps, etc. Same with the bedroom closet. I think about it, and it dawns on me... finally, I have proof. My mom went through our house and closed all the closets so that when she turned the air down to 80 while she worked out, we wouldn't have to pay to cool the air from the closets. I'm not sure if this is funny to anyone else but me, but I think its hilarious.

Currently Playing:
Zelda: Twilight Princess

Just got to the Sky levels. This game is awesome!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dang Blue Shells

For those of you who played, you know what I'm talking about.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Pearl Jam Censored by AT&T

On Sunday, Pearl Jam played a concert for Lollapalooza, and AT&T agreed to webcast their concert on their "Blue Room". During their rendition of Daughter, they wandered into a version of Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall, which they often do. During this rendition, Eddie changed a few of the words. He sang "George Bush, leave this world alone!" and "George Bush, find yourself another home!" AT&T decided that these 2 phrases would be deemed offensive by the public and cut them out of their webcast.

Now, many of you who know me, know that I love Pearl Jam, so any story about Eddie, Stone, Matt, Mike, and Jeff is bound to grab my attention. The other thing that grabbed it, is that Pearl Jam is turning this into a Net Neutrality issue. For those of you who don't know what Net Neutrality is, let me try to explain it.

Basically, the phone/cable lines that the internet currently runs over are getting used quite often, and the more and more people that have websites, and the more people that use the internet, those lines are just going to get more and more backed up. Now before you go thinking that your email is going to take a few days to show up, let me state something. Currently it takes milliseconds for data to travel around the world on the internet. Even if the lines get backed up, it just means that its going to take 3/4 of a second for your email to get to your Japanese penpal, rather than 1/2 a second. But eventually, there is going to need to be an upgrade. Anyways, the phone companies, including AT&T, want to create a new internet backbone, basically an internet freeway, which will be bigger and better than the current phone/cable lines. This is great news for the internet, now everyone will be able to get their information quicker and everything will work better right? Wrong. The phone companies want users to pay a premium for their content to roll across these higher quality lines. Which means everytime you request information, your ISP will look at who you are requesting it from. If it's from some big corporation, that can afford to pay for the higher bandwidth, then you get your information lightning quick. But if you are just getting your info from some random hole in the wall website, then your traffic is going to get thrown onto the old phone system.
This means that the ISP is inspecting your data, and determining if it is worthy to get to you quickly. In my opinion, this goes against everything that the internet is based on. Take for example Google. Google is probably one of the biggest internet search engines in the world, but it was started by 2 college students in California. If this was in place back when they were developing their search engine, companies like Yahoo and AOL would have already paid for the faster service, and they wouldn't have the capital to have that luxury. Even though their search engine could search the web super quickly and get the information you needed, it would take much longer for the data to get to your computer, compared to the search results from AOL or Yahoo, so even though AOL and Yahoo have inferior products, because their results can move across the web faster, it appears that they are faster. If this was the case, why would anyone start using Google when its slower than the others. This could/would happen to ever facet of the internet. Why use Tom's MySpace when Yahoo personals are way faster?
The beauty of the internet today, is that anyone can come a long with an idea, and have an equal footing with their corporate competition. If the phone companies had their way, this would no longer be the case.
Anyways, back the Pearl Jam. The decided to make their issue an example of what could happen if you let companies like AT&T decide what information gets to your computer. If they decide that this content may be offensive, even though there is no legal precedent or law preventing it, then you don't get it. The net neutrality concept is called that so that ISPs continue to stay neutral, and the phone companies don't get to look at the information moving across it's wires, and they just let everything through with equal priority.
If you'd like additional info about the Pearl Jam AT&T thing, see this, or you can read about Net Neutrality

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Busted Tees has a new shirt design that I think is awesome:

756* Hank Aaron didn't even like to take vitamins, because he felt like it gave players an unfair advantage. Also, I read an article a couple days ago about 6 ways Bonds cheated to get the home run record, and none of them are steroids. I don't really agree with him, but it's an interesting read. Anyways, I definitely think there should be and asterisk in the record book for Bonds' home run record, and this shirt is a great way to say that. We'll see if I end up picking it up.

ps... I found another, this one is even better:

I Don't Feel like Dancin'

So the band Scissor Sister has a new album out, and an awesome new web-app for their song 'I Don't Feel Like Dancin'. You can see Mary and I get down here, or you can make your own here. Enjoy

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

human sled

  I wanna try this. It looks so fun, but a lot slower, and with no on-coming traffic!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Do dogs live in bullet time?

So I was thinking about this the other day, and it got me thinking. A dog lives 1/7th the time a human does, so my parent's dog Leroy is about 9 or 10 now, which would make him about 70 years old. Pretty good that he can still roll over and even jump up onto the couch or bed or something. I have a hard time vaulting into our raised bed, and I'm about 50x as tall as he is and I'm only 26. Then I started thinking some more and I wonder if time is even slowed down for them.
Do things that take us 30 minutes really take them 3 and a half hours? When I tell him to sit, does he hear sssssssssssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttttttttt!!!!!!!!, like 45 being played at 33? And what about watching TV with my parents? Does sitting down and watching America's Got Talent take 7-14 hours of their life? I don't think I can sit through that. I barely can stand to watch the Hoff for 2 hours, and thats on tivo fast-forwarding through the boring parts. And then sleeping, if the time theory is true, then he has successfully slept for more than a day. Which is pretty amazing. He must think that humans move really slow, but I guess he moves that slow too, I'm having a hard time balancing space time in 1/7th the speed. What about when my parents go to work? They are gone for more than 2 full days, which is an amazing amount of time to spend holding it and not going to the bathroom. And what about going to the bathroom? To him, that probably runs a good hour or so. When was the last time you had a nice, calm, relaxing hour long bathroom break? Just a thought.

ps... for those of you who don't know what bullet time is... watch the Matrix, or see here

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Favorite PostSecret from last week

PostSecret Image I loved looking into the girl's bathroom too. In elementary school, we used to dare each other to run in there. I always figured that they had urinals and everything too. Pretty dumb.

My Sister's Kid

So my sister emailed me a couple days ago to tell me that I don't write in my blog enough about her. So I decided to add this post about my nephew.
My sister Raygon cuts hair. She's up at her house in Idaho and they are about to have some big party or something at their house and her husband decides that he needs a haircut. So she goes into the bathroom and buzzes Andy's hair. Andy jumps in the shower and Raygon starts getting ready in the mirror in the bathroom. My nephew is playing in their bedroom so he doesn't mess up the house that has been cleaned for this big party. (I'm probably getting some of the details wrong, be every writer has to write his own story, right?) So as Raygon is getting ready, she hears the clippers turn on, on my nephew Kaleb say, "Haircut, haircut!" Turns out, he wanted to be just like his mom. So, they decided they had to just shave his head completely, but before they did, they snapped the below pictures, good thing he's not a girl.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Money, Money, Money

So it seems like all the problems that I have with my jobs always have to do with money. Which I feel is strange, since I don't really consider myself a money-motivated person, but so it is.

At my old job, they were rolling in money. My boss constantly bragged about how much the company was making, or how much they were going to make from this deal. Or how he just saved the company thousands of dollars by being a cheap ass on this deal or that, which was all fine. I'm fine with a company bragging about its success. My problem was that when I felt like I needed some more money because I was trying to qualify for a better house, all I was told was that I could work some extra hours, and maybe make some overtime, even though I was a salary employee. And on top of that, I saw the company cut corner after corner. Not paying for Microsoft Windows licenses, buying the cheapest computers known to man, finding the cheapest (not most reliable) vendor for every service, cutting back on employee benefits, keeping employee salaries ridiculously low, because it's easier to hire someone new with no skill set and train them than to keep someone that already has it. It wasn't until I threatened to quit, that I was offered an almost 50% pay increase. Which I feel like was a slap in the face. Before they couldn't afford to pay me more, I had to earn it. But now that I was going somewhere else, I was offered a HUGE increase. Obviously they believed I was worth more, they just weren't willing to pay me more, until I quit. Needless to say I left, and haven't looked back. Well, I guess I've looked back, but mostly to say, "Man I'm glad I don't work there any more."

So now I'm at my new job, and we are an internet startup, so our funding comes from investors. When we were running low on money, everything is hush, hush. The engineers don't get to hear anything about whats going on. Management is way to busy to talk to us, they can't tell us anything about their conference room meetings, but when we finally did get funding, look out. They started spending money like it grows on trees, because I think to them, that it does. My boss goes out and immediately buys each of us miniMacs and new monitors, and while I am grateful for the new computer, I would have much rather just had a laptop that I could take home and work from, but our opinions aren't solicited. I think the larger problem though, is that they spend money on useless items. Each of the engineers was purchased a video camera so that we could carry it around and make recordings and upload them to the website. The decree: "One video per week or it gets taken away" was issued, but some of my coworkers have never upload videos and they still have a camera. Then I walk in one day, and my boss and I each have new Sidekick phones. This is so that we could keep in touch with work a little better. We did the pre-paid, month to month plan. After 2 months, we started running low on funding, so we stopped paying for it. So a couple hundred dollars was wasted on the phones themselves, which we no longer use. So then, my boss decides that he doesn't want to have the sidekick + his cell phone, so he decides to go and a buy a blackjack. He's going to use it for work, so he uses the company money. Since he's not starting a new plan or anything, the company just gets to eat the $400 cost for the phone. Which he already has one of that he doesn't use. Then a few weeks ago, he decided he needs the i-Phone, and he needs it for work, so work has to pay for it. Its ridiculous. It happens that way with everything around here.

So I don't know what I'm looking for in a company. I don't think my problems here are worth quitting over. I get paid well, and I feel like I have things to do, and I enjoy what I'm doing, but sometimes it just bugs. Hope I don't get Dooced for saying so, but I had to vent.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Another Cover

For those of you who know me, you know that I love cover songs, and strangely I seem to be attracted more to the cover, than the original song. You may also know that I love the band Mates of State . They are an amazing duo, husband and wife (although they didn't start out that way). She plays the organ and he plays the drums and they harmonize amazingly well while playing their respective instruments. Pretty amazing. In 2004 Kori gave birth to their daughter Magnolia. They have a blog about their urban parenting experience up at Babble called: Band on the (Diaper) Run . Anyways, in her most recent post Kori mentioned how her organ got left in Seattle and they had to use a regular organ for her most recent concert, and they played the song featured here; which is a great song. I think usually I would say that I liked the cover more than the original, but Phantom Planet does a really good version of it too. I'd say there is a close tie.

Chris Farley Lives!!

I thought I'd only see him in old SNL reruns and reruns of Black Sheep and Tommy Boy. I feel really sad for this girl.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Emo Crayons

It's pretty self explanatory. If you don't know what emo is ... view the definition.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Yahoo 404

For those of you who aren't in the internet world as much as I am... here is why this is funny; If you go to a webpage that is down, or your local internet is down, you get a "404 error". This usually indicates that the site you are going to is down. I've got nothing against yahoo, but this is just funny. I wonder if they did it on purpose.
Man I wish I would have thought of this. This just looks cool, and is a harmless prank. Oh, to be young again...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Why you should never let your girl take off her seatbelt

I saw this video again today, I know its old, but it reminded me how much I actually love the song and the video. It reminded me that the song is more that just the perfect sad music to play in the background of an emotional sequence in MTV's Real World. The video is done really well, and I really love the backward motion. If you haven't seen it, you should watch it, if you have, watch it again.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Powerpoint Tips

A co-worker put this up on the site. Its 100% correct, especially the parts about putting every word you are going to say in the slide. Super funny.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Real Life Mario

For those of you who know me, you know that I love video games. I caught this on vSocial and decided to share it. I've always wanted to go as real life mario/luigi/peach/bowser/etc for Halloween. this might be a good start. Anyways, I love Luigi's response and how mad he is that it's Mario World and not Mario and Luigi world.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Where is the Internet

For years, people have asked me questions about the internet. Apparently, since I work "at the internet" I know all. One of the funniest questions posed to me was by my father in law. His question was this, "Where is the Internet" Without getting into a full-on networking seminar, I simply explained to him, that the internet is simply everyone's computers hooked up together so you could exchange information. But apparently, I was wrong. I found it, it was in Boise, ID.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dwight, as played by Jim Halpert

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Things I should be doing

The story of my life.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

UoP on PostSecret

Found this on PostSecret this week, and just had to post it:

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bolton on the Daily Show?

I couldn't believe that Bolton went on the Daily Show, for all the crap that he has given him, I can't believe he would agree to go on the show.

I think the theme is that Jon Stewart was wrong. I counted Bolton calling him wrong at least 5x. Crazy. And I didn't know that Stewart was wrong about Lincoln. I saw the interview with the Lincoln author that told him how he had people who ran against him. I guess she was wrong. Bolton knows all.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I found this online and featured it on vSocial this weekend. It's pretty great. I think my favorite part is the sword fighting and when the flag corps come between them and they hit off the flags. Its pretty amazing, even if you aren't a drummer.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I am a vSocial vQuote user

Woot off!!!

for those of you who don't know what Woot is, you should head over there and check it out. They usually just have 1 product for sale for a fixed price +$5 shipping, all day, sometimes its a deep frier, or a GPS machine, or a blood pressure monitor, or a ton of other decently cool products. They have a limited amount, and when it's sold out, then they don't sell anything else all day. But from time to time, they have a woot off. Basically, they just just go until a product sales out. Right now they just started one. Everyone once and a while they have a "bag of crap" it costs $1 + $5 shipping. I was lucky enough to get one last time they did it. I ended up with a plastic rose. a pretty decent samsonite camera case. i portable CD player, and skanky red thong. Pretty decent for $6. You can buy up to three of each item. My friend bought 3 bags of crap, and ended up with the same camera case i got, as well as a women's p-coat, which is pretty decent. It's rumored that some people end up with portable dvd players, or plasma screen TVs or whatever else they feel like sending you, but i think it's worth the $6 or $8 or whatever. anyways, check it out. Theres a decent laptop up right now.

Friday, March 16, 2007

I'm So Excited

Classic Saved by the Bell scene. Jesse is strung out on caffeine pills and has a breakdown in front of Zack.

read more | digg story

Friday, March 09, 2007

Horrible Dunk

This guy wins the award for worst dunk in a dunk contest... he even manages to take out a cheerleader... I'm glad everyone laughed at him.

The Office + Hot in Here = good video

I saw this today on digg and i absolutely loved it, plus it has my favorite pam moment right at the end.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mary's Big Secret!

It looks like Mary's secret is out now too

Steve Carrell and Stephen Colbert : Even Stepvhen

For those of you who don't know what Digg is, its basically a who's who of internet sites. People submit videos/news stories and people "digg" the ones they like. This video I put up on vSocial was recently featured on the front page of Digg. Figured some of you might like it. Plus I haven't written in my blog in forever.

read more | digg story