Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Yellow Ledbetter

Anyone who knows me, knows that I love Pearl Jam. They are most definitely my favorite band. One of my favorite songs of theirs is Yellow Ledbetter. The song is played live and may be no their "Lost Dogs" album, but the lyrics have never been documented, so people try to figure them ou. This guy made a video of what the lyrics could be...

My favorite part has to be "Potato Wave" or "Make me Fries!".


joey said...

Oh how the memories come flooding back... it seems like just yesterday... a makeshift ping pong table, a Vitology tape, and an 11 o'clock curfew. Those were some good weekends. Oh and this dude's video is hilarious...makes me want to dig up a few Nirvana songs, but I bet he's already taken care of it.

Jodiane said...

Yes,Yes.... you are the coolest for finding this, and just being the fan that you are. They too are my favorites. Good job.