Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Old man better than Cold Play

I stumbled across this and couldn't help but fall in love with it. I am amazed at how much I like this version, better than the Cold Play version and I'm a Cold Play fan.

I think it might be that this song has more impact coming from an sick old man, rather than a rich, British, middle-aged, good looking man. It drives the audience to tears. You can feel how powerful it is.

I think this goes on my list of cover songs I like more than the originals.

Monday, November 27, 2006

You never know...

So last week, after Mary and I were married, we drove her new car to San Diego and boarded the ms Ooesterdam: a Holland America Cruise ship, and cruised our way down to Mexico. Besides the cruise being absolutely amazing, the were great food and entertainment on the ship... So we would stuff our faces, then sit down to watch a show... a great way to get in shape.

The first night was a comedian who we missed, not realizing that dinner was a 3 hour production... serisouly, 3 hours. It was really good though. Anyways, the 2nd night was a dance production, that was pretty lame, but Mary seemed to be having a good time, and what else were we gonna do... I won't answer that but I know what you are thinking, and you should see someone about that dirty mind. The music wasn't all that bad, a bunch of rock and roll songs from the 60s and 70s so I couldn't completely complain. Anyways, the 3rd night was an Elton John impersonator. Mary and I thought the same thing going in, give it a try, and when it sucks so bad we can't stand it, we'll go do the sing along in the piano bar. Boy were we wrong.

The entertainer was named Joel Mason, and he came out dressed like this. I couldn't believe it. The best part, that you can't really catch from the video was his giant shoes. GIANT. they were at least 8-12 inches tall. And he was playing the piano with them. and playing it well. He prefaced each songs by saying it was his absolute favorite song ever. Which was super funny. And his renditions were right on. He looked like Elton, right down to the glasses, which were actual Elton John glasses that he bought from an auction. He even left the stage to come back as Elton in the Black/White suite with one side white, one side black. He looked a ton like him and the show was super fun.

Later in the trip they did an American Idol type thing on the boat and Julie Barr, the comedian, and Joel Mason were 2 of the judges, along with Michelle the cruise director who liked her job entirely too much.

Anyways, we were both pleasently surprised. Neither of us could believe that his show was super funny, and extremely entertaining. A few gay jokes always spice up the comedy. So if you are ever asked if you want to see Joel Mason, Elton John impersonator... run, don't walk to his show, you won't regret it.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Mistaken for a gentleman

It looks like my secret is out!

My New Blog

So I started a new blog today. I never thought I was going to be one of those guys with like 20 blogs, one for tech stuff, one for family, one for fun, etc, etc... but apparently blogging is addicting. I love it.

Anyways, for anyone who cares, you can check out my other blog at 111606.blogspot.com. I know, how will you ever remember that number? well, its not so its easy for you to remember, its so its easy for me. That's our anniversary. Hopefully it will help me rememeber it. Anyways, theres only 1 post up for now, but hopefully, it will grow. I'm hoping to write in it about once a month. I almost typed week. No ways, just once a month will do.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Post Secret Part 2

So for our anniversary, I got Mary the 2nd PostSecret book. I bought her the first one for her birthday this week and shipped it to her in Virginia. She loved it. The 2nd one just came out, and I've got to tell you... I feel a little like this one, which was posted this week on postsecret

When I read the first one, I sat in Borders in Chandler mall and listened to the Gnarles Barkley Album. It was great. The new one seemed a little short. I don't know why, but it was just a little strange. Anyways, just thought I'd let people know how I felt about it.

Security Clearance

I have security clearance!

So this week we toured the Global Crossing Facility on 16th Street and Grant. We currently use another provider for colocation, and we aren't really that please with them, so we decided to check out other vendors.

For those of you who aren't in the computer business, its not really cost effective to pay the huge up front cost to get a large amount of bandwidth to your facility to host your website, rather, you pay a company and the least you a cage or a rack, or some space to hook your machines up to in their facility and you just pay for the part of their gigantic pipe they have running into their facility.

Anyways, we leared though, that because my boss is Canadian, he didn't have the level of clearance needed to tour the entire facility. Which I thought was pretty funny. Because all in all, I think I have more negative feelings for our current government that he does. Not that either of us are planning any kind of blood coo or anything like that, its just funny to me to know that the fact that my mother gave birth to me on America soil, that I am less of a security threat than anyone who's mother didn't.

So what did all that clearance get me? Nothing. There is only a small section of their facility we couldn't go to. Well, technically, I could go to, my boss couldn't, so I didn't either. I think there were some kind of Visa or Mastercard machines or something like that, which apparently are now protected by National Security. Its nice to know our equipment will be secure should we decide to go with them as our provider.

My digital rant

So its been almost 2 months since my last post and i figured i might as well throw up something before i'm gone for my honeymoon. I can't believe I'm actually getting married, and even more who i'm getting married to. But I've rambled about that for long enough.

So since i work for a video site, the decided that we should be coming up with our own content. So work bought us these little hand held video cameras from best buy. they are great. they take great quality digital pictures too.

So for work we are required to record and post at least 30 seconds of video per week. I don't think this will pose a problem. I can't wait to just record Jake telling some of his best stories... "companion.. i crap my pants" come on, how can that not be funny?

So my first go was on the way home. the video looks horrible and grainy, but thats because i was trying out the nightvision and it's not very good. Anyways, here's my rant.

Its totally true, and rediculous. Every time i hear one of those commercials i am completely turned off to the product. on of them is an add for those rosetta stone foreign language tapes, which sounds interesting. I've always wanted to learn a foreign language. Lets face it, understanding or speaking spanish would help a ton living in Arizona. Anyways, because of the annoying repeat, i refuse to buy their product. maybe they are willing to lose the business of fastidious freaks like me, in trade for the morons who can now remember that phone number because it is engrained into their brains.